Monday 29 September 2014

Deconstruction Double Page Spread #1 - Kerrang! Magazine

The article‘s title from this double page spread is also quote from the band member featured.  The title is one of the main features from this article as it is in a greater scale font in comparison to the main text.  This has been used to specifically draw the reader’s eye to a preview of what is included in this magazine.  Red is the colour that has solely been used, as this is to coincide with the artist’s hair colour. Red is also a very bold colour, which stands out extremely well against a plain black background. This is sure to attract the reader immediately.

The main image used in this article is the lead singer from his band. This image is used to visually attract the reader to what this article is about.  The image represents almost 50% of the double page spread but rather than being featured over one page, the image is located mostly on the right page. However, part of his body is featured on the left page to give the idea you are reading only one.  In addition to his red hair, he is wearing mostly dark clothing but also an American inspired t-shirt, which features the colours: red, blue and white.

There is also a smaller image that is used next to the title quote. This image included a spider which links into what the article is about as Gerard Way featured is writing a piece of text for the spider man series. The image of the spider is white and it is layered against a blue background, which continues the secondary colour theme of blue and white.

There is a drop cap used on this article. It features the letter ‘W’ in an alternative font and on a larger scale in comparison to the rest of the text. This used to hook the reader instantly rather than them skipping the page. The letter is also in red, which is different compared to the white writing against the black writing. This used to continue the colour scheme of red.

The text used is in a small font that has been chosen to inform the reader as much as possible from the interview that has been included in this article.  The magazine has chosen to compromise the size of the text for the quantity that is included, which would appeal more to readers. The feature used for this text is called reverse out which basically means that white writing has been used against a black background to make it visually easier to understand.

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