Tuesday 30 September 2014

Deconstruction Double Page Spread #3 - NME Magazine

The article title is simply ‘The Vaccines’ who are the popular indie/rock band that have been featured across this double page spread. This is the main textual focus of the piece as it has been produced in a larger font in comparison to the main text. This has been so do that reader can distinctively know who and what the article is about. Additionally, the font is significantly thicker and bold as this shows the importance to piece of text.

This article also features as sub head which is the explanatory passage which is positioned beneath the title. This briefly gives the reader an insight of what the article will feature. Similarly, the sub head is in a smaller text in comparison to the main text. However, the font has been reduced from the size of the article title to avoid confusion. The sub head also highlight’s one of the band member’s names in a bright blue; this immediately catches the reader’s attention to which the article is written about.

There is one main dominant image on this magazine feature. The size of the magazine takes over not only half of the spread but also one third of the accompanying page where more noticeably you would see a column of text. This is has been done to fill an empty space and to also give you a better view of the main image that has been featured. The image gives you a better visual of who the band in the text is about. The only other thing except the title that could attract a reader to this page is the main image and this is because of the mass scale in which it has been fashioned.
This magazine features a drop cap at the start of the article. This is a way of introducing the reader into the story in an interesting way. This drop cap has significantly enlarged the first letter of the text just smaller than the article title in a way to hook to the reader. Also, it has reverted to their secondary colour scheme of bright blue which is similar to the sub head.

NME have also used the popular technique of hooking a reader in before actually reading the text by featuring a style called pull quotes. This is a quote that has been effectively ‘pulled’ from the main body of the text that sits separate and in this case between the main texts. Pull quotes often feature a big statement from which the article is about and in this case, the lead singer has stated “we are a pop band and we want to be a pop band”. This is particularly interesting to readers as the media would predominantly view them not under the ‘mainstream pop’ category. They have continued the secondary colour scheme by choosing to highlight this in bright blue in a way to attract the viewer’s eye.

The article has been presented in a common way for a magazine of this genre. It shares the balance of not being too heavily word based but not to photo based where the reader can’t be informed of anything that has happened. The choice of colour is very simplistic in that the text is simple black against a stone white background with features of bright blue. The text features the rule of three which is appeal to audiences as this is how they have been programmed to understand text from a younger age. The ratio works for this magazine in that the image and text aren't exactly 50/50 as they aren’t trying to give off a ‘perfect’ persona of themselves but rather a real and gritty look that readers can relate to.

Monday 29 September 2014

Deconstruction Double Page Spread #2 - Top of the Pops Magazine

Deconstruction Double Page Spread #1 - Kerrang! Magazine

The article‘s title from this double page spread is also quote from the band member featured.  The title is one of the main features from this article as it is in a greater scale font in comparison to the main text.  This has been used to specifically draw the reader’s eye to a preview of what is included in this magazine.  Red is the colour that has solely been used, as this is to coincide with the artist’s hair colour. Red is also a very bold colour, which stands out extremely well against a plain black background. This is sure to attract the reader immediately.

The main image used in this article is the lead singer from his band. This image is used to visually attract the reader to what this article is about.  The image represents almost 50% of the double page spread but rather than being featured over one page, the image is located mostly on the right page. However, part of his body is featured on the left page to give the idea you are reading only one.  In addition to his red hair, he is wearing mostly dark clothing but also an American inspired t-shirt, which features the colours: red, blue and white.

There is also a smaller image that is used next to the title quote. This image included a spider which links into what the article is about as Gerard Way featured is writing a piece of text for the spider man series. The image of the spider is white and it is layered against a blue background, which continues the secondary colour theme of blue and white.

There is a drop cap used on this article. It features the letter ‘W’ in an alternative font and on a larger scale in comparison to the rest of the text. This used to hook the reader instantly rather than them skipping the page. The letter is also in red, which is different compared to the white writing against the black writing. This used to continue the colour scheme of red.

The text used is in a small font that has been chosen to inform the reader as much as possible from the interview that has been included in this article.  The magazine has chosen to compromise the size of the text for the quantity that is included, which would appeal more to readers. The feature used for this text is called reverse out which basically means that white writing has been used against a black background to make it visually easier to understand.

Deconstruction Contents Page #3 - NME Magazine

The white writing against the black background is a good contrast that will attract the reader. This technique is called reverse out. The colour scheme is continued throughout the magazine as it makes the magazine look professional and well produced. For instance, the subheadings feature a familiar look. They also are written in white writing against a black background. The masthead has also been reprinted on the contents page to additionally inform the reader of what publication they are reading. The red writing has been repeated from the front cover, as this is familiar for the reader to see. The writing is also against the black background, which stands out and catches the reader’s attention.
This contents page features a variety of font sizes. For example, the main focus of the page is the Arctic Monkeys. Therefore, the piece of text that is relevant to them is in a larger font comparing to the text about live gigs and reviews. This is used to attract you to the main focus straight away. The contents page also has a section which focus’ on the subscription to this magazine. The font for this is significantly larger than the other information as this is a way for the magazine to make more money.
There are four main sections to the layout of this contents page.  This is to give the magazine a professional and clean look to it. The sections are main feature image, index, content columns and a subscription advertisement for the magazine. Specifically the subscription advertisement will attract the reader because of the bold yellow and white colour against the black background as it vibrantly stands out.
The main image is the focus point for the contents page. This is shown by the scale of the image and the positioning. The image is positioned towards the top left specifically as this is where you will most likely look first. The image has also been linked with a piece of text below. This is to give you a textual guide to what the image is about. It is written in an informal way so that it appears more casual and appealing to the reader. The language used is almost conversational as it says “no, seriously”, which is very informal.
In the bottom right hand corner, NME have self-proclaimed themselves as “the UK’s no1 gig guide”. They have done this to try and appeal themselves to all live music lovers. This would indicate that their target audience enjoys live music and are interested in updates from their favourite bands.  

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Deconstruction Contents Page #1 - Kerrang! Magazine

The black writing against the yellow heading on the contents title contrasts very well so that the masthead is very noticeable and stands out. The choice of black and yellow is continued throughout the magazine as Kerrang usually opt with this bold choice as it is recogonisable to the readers. This yellow theme flows throughout the contents page as it used on the page number information bar on the right hand side and a preview of upcoming issues of subscriptions of the magazine. There is also a puff that says ‘win’ which uses these recognisable colours which will similary attract the reader.  This magazine also continues the red writing from it’s front cover which is distinct to readers of this magazine. They will likely look at this writing straight away as it features the band All Time Low behind them on a contrasting black background.

The font size used on the contents page, as a whole is small. This decision has been made so that the magazine can inform you of everything that is in this magazine but in the smallest amount of detail possible in a bid to attract the widest audience they can. The font for the subheadings are increased so that if you aren’t planning on reading the whole contents page then you would still be able to pick out the most important bits.

The layout of this magazine has been divided into four main sections. This is to show the reader that it is very simple to work your way around the magazine. The contents column on the right side mainly uses information about the bands that are included in this issue of Kerrang. The band names are often used to attract the readers attention so that they can instantly find out which page will feature their favourite band. If a customer picked up this magazine and quickly browsed through this magazine, if they were to see their favourite bands name this would increase the chance of purchasing it. The contents columns also have subheadings to make it additionally easier for the reader to see what articles focus on what/who.

The main image that has been used has been position more to the left than the right. This is because when a reader opens a page, the first thing they would notice would be whatever is on the left as we read from left to right. The image also takes up almost half the page on a large scale, it would be impossible to miss it. The image also gives you a sense of involvement as it features the text “this could be you” – in reference to the chance of having a meet and greet with this band. The main image also provides you with information about how to enter this competition, this is provided so that it acts like a taster to what the magazine would include inside.

Kerrang! magazine also includes a piece of text directly from the editor of this magazine. This is used to add a personal touch to the issue. This will briefly give you an insight on some of their favourite aspects of this magazine and what to make sure that you will read. Occosianly the editor will include personal views on what has been happening recently in the music world to share an oppionion most people won’t. Kerrang! also often ask for something in return from readers so that the reader feels like they have a relationship with magazine. For instance, the editor may ask for music to be sent in that you have produced or if you have your own live show, for that to be sent to them too and hopefully they will have a story wrote about them.

Monday 15 September 2014

Deconstruction Front Cover #3 - NME Magazine

Deconstruction Front Cover #2 - Top of the Pops Magazine

Deconstruction Front Cover #1 - Kerrang! Magazine

The target audience of the music magazine Kerrang! would be both males and females. This is because the genre of this music is widely considered to appeal to all enthusiasts of rock. The age range for this magazine would be any who has an interested in rock music but more specifically teenagers and above.  This is because the price of this magazine is at a reasonable price of £2.20. I believe that anyone who had a couple of pounds spare would be able to afford this magazine as it not only cheap but good value for money with all the content included. This magazine in my opinion would therefore be a working class magazine.

The font used on this magazine front cover varies depending on what area you are looking at. For example, the masthead at the top is very large and bold. This is a requirement for most magazines so that if a customer walks past their magazine on a shelf, they will automatically see it as it will pop out to them. Kerrang! specifically has a noticeable masthead as the writing is cracked. They do this on every magazine so that it is recognisable to any previous readers. The font differs on where it has the band’s name that is featured on the front cover. ‘30’ is specifically in bold whereas the rest of the name ‘seconds to mars’ is in a much thinner font. The magazine does this because any reader of this magazine would know to associate this band as simply ‘30’ rather than having to take up so much space.

The colour used in this magazine reflects exactly on the music genre included. The dark colours of black, white and red are heavily associated with rock music and therefore suited for this magazine scheme. The colours used are also gender neutral. Therefore, this decision will benefit the magazine as they will appeal to both genders and consequently a wider audience.  The colours used also complement each other well. There are no harsh colours that you wouldn’t associate with a rock magazine such as bright pink.  The magazine goes for a grey background which suits the both the colour of the text and the surrounding images.

This magazine chose to have one main image to feature on their front cover as they would want a customer to be enticed immediately by seeing their favourite rock band/artist on a large scale. Kerrang! have used a medium shot of Jared Leto from the popular rock band 30 Seconds to Mars as their main image for their cover. Leto is posed on an angle with his brow frowned slightly and his eyes looking at the reader directly. This magazine has done this so that a customer would instantly be interested to see what this magazine is. Leto is dressed appropriately for a rock magazine as he is wearing a black leather jacket which is popular among rock bands and lovers of rock music.

This magazine features previews of what content is inside. This includes names and bands and artists that have been included in this issue, a health scare for a certain rock star and a puff is featured in the top left hand corner which gives you the chance of a meet and greet with another star. The puff has specifically been situated there as sometimes magazines are stacked up against each other so this magazine has thought if only a small quantity of this magazine will be on show then they should try their best to get the biggest selling point on show. The whole of the content that is shown on the front cover links back to the target audience as most teenagers would be interested in meeting their rock idols and finding the latest information about their favourite bands such as new gigs announced and album details.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Friday 5 September 2014

Mood Board

This is my mood board. I have created this on the software Microsoft Powerpoint. I have created this to represent the ideas I have selected for my magazine. I have selected roughly 20 photos which represent the genre and theme of my magazine; indie music. Images such as artists, festivals, magazine logos and instruments are included as they are approrpiate and relevant towards my target audience.

Introduction To My Blog

Hello my name is Ellis Hilton and I am an AS Media student at Sunderland, Bede College. The reason behind this blog is to record my progress throughout the course of the year.

I will be creating a music magazine which is designed for a particular target audience. This target audience will focus on one main genre of music. I believe the target audience will be both male and female teenagers who are interested in indie music.

I will research and analyse existing magazines where I will look at features and gather ideas for my magazine. My magazine will consist of a front cover, a contents page and a double page spread which I will produce individually.

I will regularly be uploading evidence of my work onto my blog. This will be in a variety of media forms such as texts, images, videos and power power-points.