Tuesday 2 December 2014

Original Image vs. Edited Image

The images below are my original images comparing to my edited image. I firstly increased the brightness to remove any dark and dull patches from the image. I made an adjustment to two of my images by transforming the photo to black and white, in order to add a dramatic effect. I have edited this second image by altering the brightness so that the background behind looks sharper and cleaner. This has also made the model stand out more. On all three photos I used the spot healing brush tool in order to remove any unwanted blemishes. 

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Flat Plan - Contents Page

I have chosen the magazine NME to take inspiration for my contents page. This is because the structure is simple and easy to follow. My articles are seperated by categorised headings which makes it easier for the reader to locate which specific articles they want to read about. I have used an advertisement at the bottom of my page to promote my magazine. The section located on the left side third will contain the band index that my magazine will feature. I have used the magazine logo at the top of the page to familarise my reader.

Flat Plan - Cover Page

I have followed the structure of another music magazine, NME. This is as it fits my house style which is alternative rock. My banner is appropriately located at the top of the page to advertise a feature within the magazine. This is commonly used among magazines which ensures the appearence of professionality. My masthead and issue number is located below it, in the top corner as this is familiar for magazine readers. However, it also overlaps the banner to make it stand out, in order for the audience to know what magazine they are reading. I have used a puff below my masthead to advertisement another featured that is located in my magazine to entice the audience into purchasing it. I have followed the left side third rule which is where my headings and sub headings are all located with text additionally added. My aim image is located onto the corronsponding sides with the main title, pullquote and a barcode situated above.

Flat Plan - Double Page Spread

I have designed my double page spread taking influence from the similar genre-themed magazine NME. I have chosen to immitate the use of using one photo on one side with text on the corresponding side. I plan to use a pull quote on the top left side of the page in large bold writing to invite the reader into reading the following article. There is a small heading underneath to futher inform the audience into what the article is about. This is then preceded by the main article itself below.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Peer Assessment of Blog #2

In order to improve my blog, I have had it peer assessed by Robyn against the mark scheme. Overall,
Robyn graded my blog with a level 4, this is the highest level I could have achieved. Therefore, I am happy with the effort I have clearly put in to sustain this.
Robyn stated that I have researched my magazine ideas in detail and presented this information in an effective way. I agree with this statement as I feel I have incorporated the I researched in the best possible way. Robyn also complemented my blog on the wide spread use of vocabularly and technical words.
Robyn mentioned that I need to upload the photo's that I plan to use on my blog which I have now done. However, I am still yet to upload the finished, edited photo's - this is my next target for completition. I also need to comment on the edited photo's, explaining what I have changed. This is something Robyn also mentioned.
Robyn feels that if I feature more ways to present my work such as prezi than this could achieve me a higher IT grade. This is something that I definitely will be using as I am to achieve the highest grade possible.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Images Taken For My Music Magazine

I have taken several images (pictured below). They were taken in the Film Lounge which is located within the Visual & Performing Arts building in my college. I took this photo during half term in October. I will be using these images for my contents page and my double page spread. However, I also need take a suitable image for my front cover as I was unable to get the right photo at this time. 

Sunday 26 October 2014

Media Institution

Media Institutions have a large role within the production of a magazine. Their main role is to fund the magazine in order to make it appealing and successful as possible by providing magazines with money. Additionally, media institutions are the people that have the power to approach well known stars into being featured on whatever capacity for their magazine. Media institutions are also the publishers for the magazine as they are responsible for it being shipped and transported into shops nationally and globally.

The media institution that I have chosen for my music magazine is Times Inc. UK. This is because they are responsible for two of the countries biggest music magazines NME and Uncut. Regarded as one of the largest media production companies that the UK have ever seen, the national capacity is a sure win that my magazine will reach a large number of people. Times Inc. is arguably the largest media company in the world who currently reaches over 130 million customers per month.

 The primary genre of music that will influence my magazine is Rock. However, the sub-genre I will include will be Indie/rock which can be considered more easy listening rather than hardcore rock music. This is similar to NME magazine who are represented by Times Inc. UK. My magazine will be targeted towards 16-30 which is a similar age demographic that NME share. NME are renowned for their gender neutral colour scheme which enables them to attract a wider audience. This is something I hope to incorporate within my magazine as I hope for a similar attraction.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Peer Assessment of Blog #1

The following images are of sticky notes that I have incorporated in order to produce a more presentable blog. I have received both positive reviews and constructive criticism in order to know what to continue doing and what to add.

The main appraisal I found from the people who reviewed my blog was that I have included a thorough amount of detail and clear understanding of what my magazine will feature in terms of genre, color scheme, target audience and content. 

However, the main criticism I found was that although I have used a few other ways to represent the posts I have completed by using slide shares. The main response was to include more ways of presenting my work such as Prezi. This is to give my blog a more diverse feel.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Analysis of Music Magazine Example - LOUD!

Prior to creating our own music magazine. We have chosen to assess previous AS Level music magazines that past students have created. We have reviewed their magazines against the mark schemes in order to inform us how to get achieve a high grade.

The magazine that we assessed was LOUD! Magazine. Prior to delving into this magazines features, I had automatically made the connection between this magazine and the highly famous Kerrang! magazine. The masthead is positioned almost identically to where Kerrang would place theirs. The colour's black and white and the size and shape of the font are also distinct to Kerrang magazine. The front cover of Loud magazine achieved level 4 for every category on the mark scheme. We felt it deserved the highest band because the layout and structure of the magazine was appropriate towards the target audience who's main genre is rock music. In addition, the image quality that was used for the front cover was exceptional. It is clear that this magazine has been produced by someone that really wanted to create the most professional magazine as they could. However, we felt the only thing to improve on this front cover would to consider using better sell lines as we felt this was the only thing that damaged the professional look it overall gave.

Similarly, the contents page of Loud magazine also received level 4 all round. The strong resemblance to Kerrang magazine's layout gave it an authentic feel. This would appeal to readers of Kerrang as it is provides a familiar structure. The image use was magnificent for the contents page, rather than going for a clean cut image they chose to use a very grunge inspired photo which would link to the style of the magazine which is rock. The creator of this magazine has managed to continue the colour scheme throughout this magazine as they have remained with the colours black, white and grey and using hints of red to highlight main points to attract the reader. I specifically liked the editor's note that was included in this magazine. This gives the magazine a personal touch which allows the reader to gain access to who is at the helm of the magazine that they enjoy to read. This is a factor that is shared with Kerrang who the magazine evidently take influence from.

Finally, the double page spread also received a unanimous rating of level 4. The double page spread feautres an interview with their cover star who features prominent throughout which leads up to this page. The register has been appropriately selected to entice the reader into engaging in what the interviewee has to say. The layout has continuously shown a professional standard which has been imitated from other rock magazines alike such as Kerrang.There are minimun images used for this magazine as the main focus was the interview itself. However, of the images that are featured, one of them could have been edited to give a sharper feel to reader.

The images below are the three mark schemes that we have gathered evidence from in order to make our decisions on this magazine example. This task will provide beneficial to myself and others as it has allowed to us know exactly what we need to do in order to achieve a high grade. I have learned that it is imperative to continue my theme of indie/rock music throughout in order for a reader to feel like they are reader the same magazine.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Colour Scheme

The images above show the primary three colours that I will be incorporating into my music magazine. They are red, black and white. I have chosen these specific colors as they have a strong connection to rock and alternative music.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Font Samples

I have researched several font samples that I am considering using for music magazine. I specifically chose these six fonts as they are very eye catching and presentable. Additionally, no two fonts are the same which will give me a wider direction in terms of content that I can chose within my magazine. 

Reader Profile

Focus Group

Focus Group

What is your opinion on the name of the music magazine ‘Oblivion’?

Siena stated, “the name will look good on the magazine and it is original”.

I agree, this is because the name I have chosen hasn’t been narrowly specified to one genre, which will give my magazine a wider appeal.

Emily said, “the name stands out and it draws readers to the magazine”.

I agree with this comment as the name is bold and striking which will alert any reader who is browsing through magazine covers.

What is your opinion on the front cover and the double page spread?

Siena states, “that the use of the clear background will enable the main image to stand out and which links to the double page spread”.

I agree with this statement as she has identified my aim of making sure my image is distinctively clear.

Emily wrote, “The use of the mid shot for the main image will coincide with the double page spread. It will also attract the reader to the main feature.”

Emily has successfully understood my vision of the main image directly linking to my double page spread and that it will relate to my main feature.

What is your opinion on the colour and images that will be used?

Siena said, “The colours selected are appropriately related to the genre of music selected ‘indie/rock’”. She also believes that “it is a clever decision to take inspiration from other existing magazines that feature a similar genre”.

I agree that the colours I have chosen ‘red, white and black’ relate to the genre of music my magazine will focus on. I also agree that my decision in gathering information from other magazines will benefit me into creating the best one I can for my target audience.

Emily stated, “The use of the black, red and white colour scheme links to the genre as it has direct connotations to rock”. She also said “the colours are informing the reader of the content within the magazine which is similar to other magazines.”

I am pleased that my association to rock has been detected, as this is my primary intention with my colour scheme. I agree that the colours used will help inform the reader of the content used, as there is a direct link between specifically red and black to the rock music genre.

Constructive comments you would like to make?

Siena said “To show originality from other magazine, consider using different effects on certain images for purpose such as grey scale.”

I agree with what Siena has commented. I intend to produce a magazine, which is comparable to other magazines of a similar genre. However, my aim is to show originality within my photos to show personality within my magazine.

Emily said “Consider using sell lines on the front cover to hook to the reader in”.

I agree with this, as it is a huge marketing point that I have missed which would otherwise ensure me to create more interest and sales.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Questionnaire - Music Magazine Survey

Music Magazine Survey

Male [  ]
Female [  ]

16-19 [  ]
20-23 [  ]
24+ [  ]

What genre(s) of music do you listen to?
Pop [  ]
Rock [  ]
Dance [  ]
Hip-Hop/Rap [  ]
Alternative [  ]

What type of music magazines do you read?
NME [  ]
Q [  ]
Kerrang! [  ]
Vibe [  ]
Rolling Stone [  ]
Other (please state) ……………

How do you consume music?
iTunes [  ]
Spotify [  ]
YouTube [  ]
Other (please state) ……………

On average, how many hours a week do you listen to music?
0-3 hours [  ]
4-7 hours [  ]
8-11 hours [  ]
12 hours + [  ]

What features attract you to a certain music magazine?
Cover [  ]
Band/artist featured [  ]
Music genre [  ]
Other (please state)……………

What kind of articles do you enjoy reading? (Tick all that apply)
Live reviews [  ]
Album reviews [  ]
Celebrity gossip [  ]
Band/artist interviews [  ]
Q&A’s [  ]
Other (please state) …………

What is the maximum you would be prepared to spend on a music magazine?
<£1 [  ]
<£2 [  ]
<£3 [  ]
<£4 [  ]

<£5 [  ]

Magazine Proposal

What genre of magazine will you make?
The genre of music that will feature prominently throughout my magazine will be Indie/Alternative rock music. I have chose this genre because this is the music I listen to, therefore I feel like I could be more enthusiastic about this specific genre.

Who will be your primary and secondary audience?
The primary audience that my music magazine will be targeted towards is students specifically between the ages of 16-21. I have made this decision because this is the age category that I would be included in. Therefore, this gives me a better understanding of what students my age are interested in. The secondary audience for my magazine would be targeted towards 22-35 as the content included could appeal to those slightly older than my primary audience. This is because not only teenagers are interested in live music and album dates. This music magazine will be gender neutral. I have chose to do this as this genre appeals to both males and females as there is no indication that their music stereotypes themselves to one specific gender. The audience code for my magazine will be D as my magazine would appeal towards students who have a minimum income where they could easily afford to purchase this as an extra to their monthly spend. The magazine will cost between £1-3.

Which magazine exists that is similar to yours?
I have chose NME as an influence and inspiration for my music magazine. This is for several important reasons. Firstly, the genre of music that is used for NME is indie/alternative. This magazine features a range of alternative music from the Arctic Monkeys to Paramore. NME often feature articles on live gigs and album reviews. This is something I am planning on incorporating into my music magazine, as this is something my target audience would be interested in. This is a shared factor that my magazine will also feature. The colour scheme for NME is gender neutral which is something I hope to incorporate into my magazine. This is so that my magazine appeals to as many people as possible. NME has a very structured layout, which is something that appeals to me. This is because it is very clear for the reader to understand.

How will you research your magazine?
I will purchase several magazines to get inspiration for my music magazine. I will specifically look for colour schemes, layouts and types of images. This is because they are key aspects of creating a magazine. I will also browse the Internet for inspiration, as there are a variety of different types of magazines that may help me in different ways. I will also produce a questionnaire asking a range of music related questions that will help me into making the best possible magazine suited to my target audience.

Where will you get your images?
I will be taking the images for my music magazine. The images will include a medium shot of a student that will be featured on my front cover. I will also take several more images that will be related to music that will feature on my double page spread and contents page.

What will be the name of your magazine? Why?
The name of my music magazine will be ‘Oblivion’. I have chose this name, as it is very striking and bold. The state of oblivion means being unaware of what is happening around you. I feel like the readers of my music magazine can relate to this as the genre of music can often have this effect. It is important that the title of my magazine is dramatic so that it attracts the reader’s attention.

How will you ensure your magazine looks both original and professional?
My magazine will look professional by including specific features that a recognizable magazine uses. This will include a masthead, barcode, puff, pug, subheading and a contents page. My magazines style will continuously follow the same theme throughout to give it a sense of originality and flow. My magazine will be original by creating the title of the magazine myself. The artist that will be featured will have never been seen in a magazine before. Another way of ensuring that my magazine will look both professional and original is by taking inspiration from other successful music magazines that are aimed at my target audience and feature a similar genre.