Wednesday 1 October 2014

Magazine Proposal

What genre of magazine will you make?
The genre of music that will feature prominently throughout my magazine will be Indie/Alternative rock music. I have chose this genre because this is the music I listen to, therefore I feel like I could be more enthusiastic about this specific genre.

Who will be your primary and secondary audience?
The primary audience that my music magazine will be targeted towards is students specifically between the ages of 16-21. I have made this decision because this is the age category that I would be included in. Therefore, this gives me a better understanding of what students my age are interested in. The secondary audience for my magazine would be targeted towards 22-35 as the content included could appeal to those slightly older than my primary audience. This is because not only teenagers are interested in live music and album dates. This music magazine will be gender neutral. I have chose to do this as this genre appeals to both males and females as there is no indication that their music stereotypes themselves to one specific gender. The audience code for my magazine will be D as my magazine would appeal towards students who have a minimum income where they could easily afford to purchase this as an extra to their monthly spend. The magazine will cost between £1-3.

Which magazine exists that is similar to yours?
I have chose NME as an influence and inspiration for my music magazine. This is for several important reasons. Firstly, the genre of music that is used for NME is indie/alternative. This magazine features a range of alternative music from the Arctic Monkeys to Paramore. NME often feature articles on live gigs and album reviews. This is something I am planning on incorporating into my music magazine, as this is something my target audience would be interested in. This is a shared factor that my magazine will also feature. The colour scheme for NME is gender neutral which is something I hope to incorporate into my magazine. This is so that my magazine appeals to as many people as possible. NME has a very structured layout, which is something that appeals to me. This is because it is very clear for the reader to understand.

How will you research your magazine?
I will purchase several magazines to get inspiration for my music magazine. I will specifically look for colour schemes, layouts and types of images. This is because they are key aspects of creating a magazine. I will also browse the Internet for inspiration, as there are a variety of different types of magazines that may help me in different ways. I will also produce a questionnaire asking a range of music related questions that will help me into making the best possible magazine suited to my target audience.

Where will you get your images?
I will be taking the images for my music magazine. The images will include a medium shot of a student that will be featured on my front cover. I will also take several more images that will be related to music that will feature on my double page spread and contents page.

What will be the name of your magazine? Why?
The name of my music magazine will be ‘Oblivion’. I have chose this name, as it is very striking and bold. The state of oblivion means being unaware of what is happening around you. I feel like the readers of my music magazine can relate to this as the genre of music can often have this effect. It is important that the title of my magazine is dramatic so that it attracts the reader’s attention.

How will you ensure your magazine looks both original and professional?
My magazine will look professional by including specific features that a recognizable magazine uses. This will include a masthead, barcode, puff, pug, subheading and a contents page. My magazines style will continuously follow the same theme throughout to give it a sense of originality and flow. My magazine will be original by creating the title of the magazine myself. The artist that will be featured will have never been seen in a magazine before. Another way of ensuring that my magazine will look both professional and original is by taking inspiration from other successful music magazines that are aimed at my target audience and feature a similar genre.

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