Thursday 13 November 2014

Peer Assessment of Blog #2

In order to improve my blog, I have had it peer assessed by Robyn against the mark scheme. Overall,
Robyn graded my blog with a level 4, this is the highest level I could have achieved. Therefore, I am happy with the effort I have clearly put in to sustain this.
Robyn stated that I have researched my magazine ideas in detail and presented this information in an effective way. I agree with this statement as I feel I have incorporated the I researched in the best possible way. Robyn also complemented my blog on the wide spread use of vocabularly and technical words.
Robyn mentioned that I need to upload the photo's that I plan to use on my blog which I have now done. However, I am still yet to upload the finished, edited photo's - this is my next target for completition. I also need to comment on the edited photo's, explaining what I have changed. This is something Robyn also mentioned.
Robyn feels that if I feature more ways to present my work such as prezi than this could achieve me a higher IT grade. This is something that I definitely will be using as I am to achieve the highest grade possible.

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