Thursday 12 March 2015

Evaluation - Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The variety of images that I have selected shows how my audience represents both male and females. Due to the fact my Primary audience is 16-25, I have chosen to correctly identify people of this age in numerous ways. I have showed what a typical 16-25 year old might dress like due to their interest in indie/rock music. I have also featured common brand of shoe that the lower end of this age bracket are usually seen in, Vans. I have also showed the types of events they attend such as gigs and festivals (especially Reading and Leeds festival). However, this age ranges also feature quite a studious lifestyle, as they would be currently in college or university studying for their A-Levels or a degree. I have ensured that this is also fairly represented with the use of lecturers and exam halls. A lot of people, who are interested in my house style of music Indie/Rock, also take up the hobby of playing and instrument such as the guitar. My socioeconomic code would be D and E; this is due to that the majority of this age range would either be in education or just graduating. However, it is still likely that some of these people have potentially walked into the C and C2 bracket from graduation.

The music my audience would listen to are very rock orientated, due to the fact my magazine is Indie/Rock - the majority of these tracks include indie sounds.

Catfish & the Bottlemen - Kathleen
Mumford & Sons - I Will Wait
Royal Blood - Little Monster
The Wombats - Greek Tragedy

My target audience is 16-25 and therefore is directly appealed to popular high street chains such as Topman/Topshop and H&M. This is because they are reasonable low budget shops that students are usually appealed to. Topman also features a student discount offer, which is what increases their appeal. Both shops also stock very similar clothing such as skinny jeans and leather jackets, which is seen as continuous trends throughout the year. They are featured lots of black and grey which is part of my magazines key colour scheme. 

My target audience is at important period of their life in terms of education so they often chose to do something in their spare time to relax. Some of the things they do often involve their friends. A popular social activity for my audience is attending the cinema and going to a live gig. Alternatively, a lot of my target audience will own an Xbox or some other form of games console. Finally, since my magazine is a music orientated, some of my readers are likely to be in a band or play an instrument.

 My Target audience consumes media in a variety of ways such as television, film, books and music. A popular TV show at the minute is The Walking Dead; this is because it is set in a post-apocalyptic setting, which is very intriguing to 16-25 year olds as this is complete fiction. They also enjoy film trilogies such as The Hunger Games as it features a strong female lead, which has been unusual in present times. The Maze Runner is a popular book at the moment due to its current book-to-film adaptation, which many of my audience admire. Finally, as a music magazine my audience are also interested in bands such as Arctic Monkeys and Mumford & Sons as they are very successful and have achieved universal acclaim.

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