Tuesday 27 January 2015

Feedback - Contents Page

The image above shows the feedback I have received from my class about my contents page. I received positive and constructive criticism in order to improve my final product.

The good feedback I received included the use of a band index as this is quite a conventional way of displaying bands/artists that my magazine will feature. A popular response from my magazine was that layout of my contents page looks professional due to the fact I have taken inspiration from a similar house styled magazine - NME. Someone also felt that the use of arrows was a clever feature as it directs the reader instantly to what articles that have interested them on the front cover.

I have also received constructed criticism from my peers. A suggestion within my feedback included inserting an image within the subscription box at the bottom of the page. This is something I intend to do when my front cover is complete. Therefore, I am happy that this was picked up on. A critique included that the text size within my article descriptions were too small. Therefore, I will edit this to make the text bigger so a wider audience will be able to read it.

I am happy with the criticism received as I feel this is exactly what I would change in order to improve my magazine.

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