Tuesday 18 November 2014

Flat Plan - Contents Page

I have chosen the magazine NME to take inspiration for my contents page. This is because the structure is simple and easy to follow. My articles are seperated by categorised headings which makes it easier for the reader to locate which specific articles they want to read about. I have used an advertisement at the bottom of my page to promote my magazine. The section located on the left side third will contain the band index that my magazine will feature. I have used the magazine logo at the top of the page to familarise my reader.

Flat Plan - Cover Page

I have followed the structure of another music magazine, NME. This is as it fits my house style which is alternative rock. My banner is appropriately located at the top of the page to advertise a feature within the magazine. This is commonly used among magazines which ensures the appearence of professionality. My masthead and issue number is located below it, in the top corner as this is familiar for magazine readers. However, it also overlaps the banner to make it stand out, in order for the audience to know what magazine they are reading. I have used a puff below my masthead to advertisement another featured that is located in my magazine to entice the audience into purchasing it. I have followed the left side third rule which is where my headings and sub headings are all located with text additionally added. My aim image is located onto the corronsponding sides with the main title, pullquote and a barcode situated above.

Flat Plan - Double Page Spread

I have designed my double page spread taking influence from the similar genre-themed magazine NME. I have chosen to immitate the use of using one photo on one side with text on the corresponding side. I plan to use a pull quote on the top left side of the page in large bold writing to invite the reader into reading the following article. There is a small heading underneath to futher inform the audience into what the article is about. This is then preceded by the main article itself below.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Peer Assessment of Blog #2

In order to improve my blog, I have had it peer assessed by Robyn against the mark scheme. Overall,
Robyn graded my blog with a level 4, this is the highest level I could have achieved. Therefore, I am happy with the effort I have clearly put in to sustain this.
Robyn stated that I have researched my magazine ideas in detail and presented this information in an effective way. I agree with this statement as I feel I have incorporated the I researched in the best possible way. Robyn also complemented my blog on the wide spread use of vocabularly and technical words.
Robyn mentioned that I need to upload the photo's that I plan to use on my blog which I have now done. However, I am still yet to upload the finished, edited photo's - this is my next target for completition. I also need to comment on the edited photo's, explaining what I have changed. This is something Robyn also mentioned.
Robyn feels that if I feature more ways to present my work such as prezi than this could achieve me a higher IT grade. This is something that I definitely will be using as I am to achieve the highest grade possible.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Images Taken For My Music Magazine

I have taken several images (pictured below). They were taken in the Film Lounge which is located within the Visual & Performing Arts building in my college. I took this photo during half term in October. I will be using these images for my contents page and my double page spread. However, I also need take a suitable image for my front cover as I was unable to get the right photo at this time.